Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I've got a crush on you

I got off of work earlier than expected around 6pm, so I drove into the city to meet Heath and his neighbor, Ann. It was a nice evening for the most part. We went to TGI Friday's, which was pretty good. Heath order a beer, which he hardly ever does, except for when we are around Ann. The conversation was pleasant for most of the evening, thankfully Heath generally doesn't tell me that I am wrong in front of people. My mother said I have to decide if I want to accept this flaw of Heath telling me I am wrong-so far the jury is still out. At one point Ann said something about sharing Heath (it was an innocent comment and I can't remember what context the sharing was-I think it was something like Heath was lucky to be out with two girls). Without thinking, I shot back with "I am not sharing Heath." I said it in a pretty catty way. I don't think of Ann as a threat, but truthfully I am not sharing and don't like any insinuation that I am going to share. When I got home, Heath called me to make sure I made it home okay. He was talking about his car ride home with Ann, who had consumed 4 glasses of wine and was a little tipsy. Apparently she asked Heath who he would rather date if she was single. He told me that he would pick me (duh, he's not an idiot). She accused him of having a crush on her-something I am not entirely convinced of either way. I do think it was an odd thing to tell me.

Heath says he has a surprise for Valentine's Day. It will be interesting to see if this plan is for Friday or for Sunday. Either way, I am excited. Too bad I am on call on Valentine's Day.

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